Results for 'Hidāyat Allāh Khvābʹnamā'

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  1.  56
    Effect of patients’ rights training sessions for nurses on perceptions of nurses and patients.Sanaa A. Ibrahim, Mona A. Hassan, Seham Ibrahim Hamouda & Nama M. Abd Allah - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):856-867.
    Background: Patients’ rights are universal values that must be respected; however, it is not easy to put such values and principles into effect as approaches and attitudes differ from individual to individual, from society to society, and from country to country. If we want to reach a general conclusion about the status of patient rights in the world as whole, we should examine the situation in individual countries. Objective: To study the effect of training sessions for nurses about patients’ rights (...)
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    A Thematic Study of Philosophy Science and Methodology on Eschatology Based on the Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith Text.Muhammad Rizal Hidayat & Mohammad Izdiyan Muttaqin - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (1):113-132.
    Eschatology is the study of things that exist in life after death (akhirah). The law of studying eschatology is mandatory for every Muslim because its substance concerns the fifth pillar of faith, namely faith on judgment day. The concept and implementation of eschatology studies looked simply, but its impact is not small in daily life. Eschatology has lost its existence in modern science because the depth of its meaning has not been adequately revealed through research methodology. This research aims to (...)
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    Menggali Relevansi Teologis Berdasarkan Analisis Naratif Atas Kisah “Kelahiran Samuel” Dalam 1 Samuel 1:1-28.Elvin Atmaja Hidayat - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 17 (1):79-101.
    Abstrak: Kitab Suci merupakan Sabda Allah yang menjadi tumpuan hidup dan sumber kebenaran bagi umat beriman. Posisinya begitu agung dan penting. Sayangnya, banyak umat Kristiani yang kesulitan untuk memahami isi Kitab Suci. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan salah satu metode menafsirkan Kitab Suci yang relatif mudah untuk digunakan oleh semua kalangan, yakni metode Analisis Naratif. Dalam artikel ini, metode tersebut akan digunakan untuk menganalisis perikop tentang “Kelahiran Samuel” (1 Samuel 1:1-28). Melalui analisis atas teks ini pula, hendak dipaparkan beberapa pesan (...)
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    Teologi Ekologi dan Mistik-Kosmik St. Fransiskus Asisi.Peter C. Aman - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (2):188.
    Abstrak: Untuk mengembangkan suatu teologi ekologi, yang dikenal sebagai ekoteologi, mesti didasarkan pada fakta mengenai keterhubungan semua ciptaan sebagai suatu ekosistem. Metodologinya adalah induktif dan interdisipliner. Kosmologi dan antropologi amat membantu memberikan data ilmiah. Data-data tersebut merupakan titik awal untuk melakukan teologi ekologi, selain sumber-sumber yang diperoleh dari Wahyu, seperti Kitab Suci, Tradisi dan Magisterium. Artikel ini merupakan suatu upaya mengembangkan teologi ekologi berdasarkan tradisi teologi Kristiani yang menggaris bawahi sejumlah titik pandang teologis, seperti penciptaan sebagai suatu proses melalui itu (...)
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    A Late Ottoman Scholar Khalil Shukru al-Boy'b'dî and His Risālah Named Kit'b al-Qaḍā wa’l-Qadar.Esra Düzenli̇ - 2021 - Kader 19 (2):678-701.
    In the period that began with the death of the Prophet Hz Muhammad, the martyrdom of Hz. Othmān and the Battles of Camel and Siffin which took place during the caliphate of Hz. Ali, caused Muslims to have confronted each other. The debates that started after these incidents had been carried out within the frame of killing a Muslim in particular and the issue of predestionation in general. The personal opinions that emerged in the first period became the doctrines of (...)
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    Agama masa depan: perspektif filsafat perennial.Komaruddin Hidayat & Muhammad Wahyuni Nafis - 1995 - Jakarta: Paramadina. Edited by Muhammad Wahyuni Nafis.
  7. Resiliensi Dan tingkat stres pada persiapan pensiun.Danny Darmawan Hidayat, Zamralita & Ninawati - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 8 (1).
    Every person always experiences life changes. Positive or negative life changes cause stress. Retirement represents one of life changes which can cause stress. Stress is an organism’s phyciological and psychological responses that can cause unpleasant situation and make mental and emotional dysfunction. Resilient people are more to see changes as opportunity to grow rather than as stressors. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back quickly from misfortune and successfully adapt in a smart way to adverse with more power. This quantitative (...)
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    Coughin'/Coffin Air.Adilifu Nama - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):140-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Coughin'/Coffin AirAdilifu Nama (bio)Rummaging through the early remnants of a society that is facing climatic transformations, a single microbe forced America to pause, ponder and grasp the meaning of mortality in the early spring of 2020. Such a characterization is much more poetic than necessary, yet it is a frail attempt to capture the grand scale of the psychological and economic disorientation that has assailed the world and continues (...)
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    Nature, Man and God in Medieval Islam: ʻAbd Allah Baydawi's Text, Tawaliʻ Al-anwar Min Mataliʻ Al-anzar, Along with Mahmud Isfahani's Commentary, Mataliʻ Al-anzar, Sharh Tawaliʻ Al-anwar.Abd Allah Ibn Umar Baydawi & Mahmud Isfahani - 2002 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Edwin Elliott Calverley, James W. Pollock & Maḥmūd ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Iṣfahānī.
    A contemporary to Thomas Aquinas in Latin Catholic Italy, and with a parallel motivation to stabilize each his own civilization in its flux and storm, 'Abd Allah Baydawi of Ilkhan Persia wrote a compact and memorable Arabic Summation of Islamic Natural and Traditional Theology. With the same strokes of his pen he presented the Islamic version of the Science of Theological Statement, bafflingly called "Kalam" while familiarly embracing "Theology". Baydawi's Tawali'al-Anwar min Matal'al-Anzar (Rays of Dawnlight Outstreaming from Far Horizons of (...)
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  10. Memetakan Kembali Struktur Keilmuan Islam dalam Fuaduddin dan Cik Hasan Bisri (ed.) Dinamika Pemikiran Islam di Perguruan Tingg: Wacana tentang Pendidikan Agama Islam. Jakarta.Komaruddin Hidayat - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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  11. Menggugat Modernisme: Mengenali Rentang Pemikiran Postmodernisme Jean Baudrillard.Medhy Aginta Hidayat - 2012 - Jalasutra.
    Analysis on thoughts of Jean Baudrillard on postmodernism from Indonesian view.
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    Tārīkh-i falsafah va taṣavvuf.ʻAlī Namāzī Shāhrūdī - 1999 - [Tehran]: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Nabʼā.
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    The Conclusive Argument from God: Shāh Walī Allāh of Delhi's Ḥujjat Allāh al-Bāligha.Shāh Walī Allāh - 2020 - BRILL.
    This important and comprehensive work of 18th-century Islamic religious thought written in Arabic by a pre-eminent South Asian scholar provides an extensive and detailed picture of Muslim theology and interpretive strategies on the eve of the modern period.
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    Sustainable palm oil as a public responsibility? On the governance capacity of Indonesian Standard for Sustainable Palm Oil.Nia Kurniawati Hidayat, Astrid Offermans & Pieter Glasbergen - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):223-242.
    This paper is motivated by the observation that Southern governments start to take responsibility for a more sustainable production of agricultural commodities as a response to earlier private initiatives by businesses and non-governmental organizations. Indonesia is one of the leading countries in this respect, with new public sustainability regulations on coffee, cocoa and palm oil. Based on the concept of governance capacity, the paper develops an evaluation tool to answer the question whether the new public regulation on sustainable palm oil (...)
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    The enigma of subjectivity.Syarif Hidayat N., Mediantari Oktavianti, Prahoro Yudo Purwono, Musdin Musakkir & Nur Marhamah N. - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
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    Transforming Sufism Into Digital Media.Ziaulhaq Hidayat - 2023 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 17 (2):197-223.
    This article seeks to examine the rise of _tarekat_ (Sufi order) in the context of the digital public sphere with a special attention to the Eshaykh website. As this article argues, the Eshaykh website represents an adaptation of conventional groups of _tarekat_ combined with information technology. However, this digital adoption raises a new problem, especially related to the differences in terms of access between digital _tarekat_ and conventional _tarekat_. This article—using a virtual ethnographic approach—focuses on the Eshaykh website by the (...)
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    Agama untuk peradaban: membumikan etos agama dalam kehidupan.Komaruddin Hidayat - 2019 - Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia: Alvabet.
    On concept of Islam as the religion with ethics in life with reference to Indonesia; collected articles.
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    Establishing a middle ground for public and community broadcasting in Indonesia: An action research project.Dedy Nur Hidayat, Victor Menayang, Ed Hollander, Leen dHaenens & Effendi Gazali - 2003 - Communications 28 (4):475-492.
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  19. Tragedi Raja Midas: moralitas agama dan krisis modernisme.Komaruddin Hidayat - 1998 - Jakarta: Paramadina.
    Evaluation of contemporary morality, conduct of life, etc. according to Islamic viewpoints; collected articles.
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  20.  5
    Enhancing Regional Stability: Implementation and Impact of Conflict Management Strategies in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia.Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim, Eva Nuriyah Hidayat, Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Maulana Irfan, Nadila Auludya Rahma Putri & Wandi Adiansah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:388-399.
    This research study investigates the implementation of the Conflict Management Socialization and Mapping of Conflict Prone Areas program by the National Unity and Political Affairs Agency (Bakesbangpol) in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia. Using qualitative methods, including interviews and a literature review, the study examines how Bakesbangpol Kuningan detects and manages potential conflicts to maintain regional stability. Findings reveal that the program effectively utilizes early detection initiatives and community engagement forums such as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and collaborates with various stakeholders, including (...)
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  21. Ikhvān al-Ṣafā.Zabīḥ Allāh[From Old Catalog] Ṣafā - 1951 - [Tehran]: Chāpkhānah-i Dānishgāh.
  22.  45
    A Mystical Interpretation of Prophetic Tales by an Indian Muslim. Shāh Walī Allāh's Ta'wīl al-AḥādīthA Mystical Interpretation of Prophetic Tales by an Indian Muslim. Shah Wali Allah's Ta'wil al-Ahadith.James A. Bellamy, J. M. S. Baljon, Shāh Walī Allāh & Shah Wali Allah - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):158.
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    İslam äxlaqı.Gündüz İsmayılov & Hidayät (eds.) - 2010 - Bakı: İpäkyolu Näşriyyatı.
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    Commentary on Place Spirituality.Rena Latifa, Komaruddin Hidayat & Akhmad Sodiq - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (1):38-42.
    If Place Spirituality is considered as an attachment experience to a geographic place or an “object,” for Muslims this concept can be explained by the sharia or Islamic law. However, in the highest level of experience as a Muslim, one may attach to God everywhere and at all times, without consideration of any place, time, or object. This experience can clearly be understood with the explanation of the three levels for Muslims: sharia or “conceptual knowledge,” tariqa or “experiential knowledge,” and (...)
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  25.  47
    Arabic and Islamic Garland: Historical, Educational and Literary Papers Presented to Abdul-Latif Tibawi by Colleagues, Friends and Students.Umar Abd-Allāh & Umar Abd-Allah - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):141.
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    Jihad in Mediaeval and Modern Islam: The Chapter on Jihad from Averroes' Legal Handbook 'Bidāyat al-Mudjtahid' and the Treatise 'Koran and Fighting' by the Late Shaykh al-Azhar, Maḥmūd ShaltūtJihad in Mediaeval and Modern Islam: The Chapter on Jihad from Averroes' Legal Handbook 'Bidayat al-Mudjtahid' and the Treatise 'Koran and Fighting' by the Late Shaykh al-Azhar, Mahmud Shaltut.Umar Abd-Allāh, Rudolph Peters, Shaykh al-Azhar, Maḥmūd Shaltūt, Umar Abd-Allah & Mahmud Shaltut - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):567.
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    Jaina dārśanika cintana kī vaijñānika vivecanā.Pūnama Jaina - 2019 - Jayapura, Bhārata: Buka Enakleva.
    Scientific investigation of Jain philosophical thought.
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    Die Spuren Al-Batlajusi's in der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie.David Kaufmann & Abd Allah ibn Muhammad Batalyawsi - 1967 - Amsterdam,: Philo Press (Singel 395). Edited by ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad Baṭalyawsī.
    Die Spuren Al-Batlajusis in der judischen Religionsphilosophe ist ein unveranderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1880. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernahrung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitaten erhaltlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bucher neu und tragt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch fur (...)
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  29. Laḥẓah-ʼi duvvum: Sārtir va bīmārī-i jahānī.Hidāyat Allāh Khvābʹnamā - 1971 - Tihrān: [S.N.].
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    The Interdependence of Religion, Secularism, and Human Rights: Prospects for Islamic Societies.Abd Allah Ahmad Naim - forthcoming - Common Knowledge 11 (1):56-80.
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  31. Lama at-I Ilahiyah.Abd Allah Zunuzi, Jalal al-din Ashtiyani & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1976 - Anjuman-I Shahinshahi-Yi Falsafah- I Iran.
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    Guftimānʹshināsī-I Rāyij Va Intiqādī.Yār Muḥammadī & Luṭf Allāh - 2004 - Hirmis.
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    Akhlāq-i ʻAlāyī.Hibat Allāh ibn ʻAṭāʼ Shāh Mīr & Allāh Ḥusaynī Shīrāzī - 2011 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Taʼlīf, Tarjumah va Nashr-i Ās̲ār-i Hunarī-i "Matn". Edited by Muḥammad Jaʻfar Yāḥaqqī & Salmān Sākit.
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    Knowledge and Wisdom.ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlawī ʻAṭṭās - 2000 - Starlatch Press.
  35. Shah Muhammad (992-1072/1584-1661) Shah Muhammad ibn'abd Ahmad was born in arkasa, in badakhshan, and spent his first two decades there. [REVIEW]Shah Waliyullah & Wali Allah - 2006 - In Oliver Leaman (ed.), The biographical encyclopedia of Islamic philosophy. New York: Thoemmes Continuum. pp. 2--266.
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  36. Abenmasarra y Su Escuela, Orígenes de la Filosofía Hispano-Musulmana, Discurso.Miguel Asín Palacios & Muhammad B. Abd Allah Ibn Masarrah - 1914
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    Evaluasi Karakteristik Psikometrik Tes Bakat Differensial dengan Teori Klasik.Farida Agus Setiawati, Rita Eka Izzaty & Veny Hidayat - 2018 - Humanitas 15 (1):46.
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    Diaspora of Religious Treasures in Sundanese Society.Masmedia Pinem, Zaenudin, Dede Burahnudin, Rosidin, Arnis Rachmadhani, Roch Aris Hidayat & Wahab - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:637-650.
    The Sundanese ethnic diaspora to Southeast Sulawesi, especially Sindangkasih Village, South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi creates the potential for social interaction between the two different cultures. This interaction can produce harmony or conflict, while in certain aspects, it may create a new culture that is interesting to preserve. This research aims to identify, group, and analyze the forms of diaspora religious cultural treasures from the diaspora community. We recorded and mapped the potential diaspora of Sundanese religious cultural treasures in Sindangkasih Village, (...)
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    Five Tracts of Ḥasan Al-Bannāʾ (1906-1949): A Selection from the Majmūʿat Rasāʾil al-Imām al-Shahīd Ḥasan BannāʾFive Tracts of Hasan Al-Banna (1906-1949): A Selection from the Majmuat Rasail al-Imam al-Shahid Hasan Banna. [REVIEW]Umar Abd-Allāh, Charles Wendell & Umar Abd-Allah - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):564.
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    Bahasa dan sastra dalam perspektif pendidikan.Dadang S. Anshori, Sumiyadi & S. Kosadi Hidayat (eds.) - 2009 - Bandung: Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FPBS UPI.
    Study and teaching on languages and literatures in Indonesia; festschrift in honor of Kosadi Hidayat S., a professor of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
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    Tavali'u'l-envar =: Kelam metafiziği (metin, çeviri).Abd Allah ibn Umar Baydawi - 2014 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı. Edited by İlyas Çelebi, Mahmut Çınar & ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻUmar Bayḍāwī.
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    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: University Lecturers’ Views on Plagiarism.Andi Anto Patak, Hillman Wirawan, Amirullah Abduh, Rahmat Hidayat, Iskandar Iskandar & Gufran Darma Dirawan - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (4):571-587.
    Plagiarism is a serious problem in an academic environment because it breaches academic honesty and integrity, copyright law, and publication ethics. This paper aims at revealing English as a Foreign Language lecturers’ responses in dealing with some factors affecting students’ plagiarism practice in Indonesian Higher Education context. This study employed a qualitative method with case study approach. Eight experienced EFL lecturers were conveniently recruited, and the data were analyzed using thematic analysis technique. The results revealed that EFL students perpetrated plagiarisms (...)
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    Terrorists’ Violence Threats and Coping Strategies: A Phenomenological Approach of Former FATA, Pakistan.Jan Alam, Nazir Ullah & Hidayat Rasool - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (1):82-100.
    Terrorism is a global phenomenon that constantly challenges human survival. Based on the social structure, human beings adopt different strategies to overcome its negative consequences on their mind and behavior. Coping strategies and those processes essential for adjustment and survival illustrate how individuals perceive, consider, deal with, and realize a stressful situation in the era of terrorism. The study focuses on exploring coping strategies and avoidance of terrorism impacts. This research study was qualitatively designed to explore the coping strategies adaptation (...)
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  44. Die Spuren Al-Batlajusi's in der Jüdischen Religions Philosophie Nebst Einer Ausg. Der Hebräischen Übersetzungen Seiner Bildlichen Kriese.David Kaufmann & Abd Allah Ibn Muhammad Al-Batalyawsi - 1967 - Philo Press (Singel 395).
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  45. Die sogenannte Theologie des Aristoteles.Friedrich Kitab Uthulujiya Aristatalis, Plotinus, Porphyry, Abd al-Masih ibn Abd Allah & Dieterici (eds.) - 1969 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms.
  46. al-Dawlah al-mithālīyah bayna al-fikr al-Ighrīqī wa-al-fikr al-Islāmī.Faḍl Allah Muḥammad Ismāʻīl - 1996 - al-Azārīṭah [Alexandria, Egypt]: Dār al-Maʻrīfah al-Jāmiʻīyah.
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    Judicial Practice and Family Law in Morocco: The Chapter on Marriage from Sijilmāsī's Al-ʿAmal al-MuṭlaqJudicial Practice and Family Law in Morocco: The Chapter on Marriage from Sijilmasi's Al-Amal al-Mutlaq.Hanna E. Kassis, Henry Toledano, Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad al-Sijilmāsī & Abu Abd Allah Muhammad al-Sijilmasi - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):160.
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    The sources of the Islamic religion and its most outstanding merits and virtues: this is Islam.Sulaymān ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Ḥammūd Abā al-Khayl - 2005 - [Riyadh]: Sulaiman bin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail.
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    Ibn Sina risâleleri. Avicenna, Qustạ̄ ibn Lūqā & Abū al-Faraj ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Tayyib - 1953 - Ankara,: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
    1. Uyun al-hikma, et l'opuscule d'Abu'l Faraj et la réfutation d'Ibn Sina, édité et annoté par H.Z. Ülken.--2. Les opuscules d'Ibn Sina, et Le livre de la différence entre l'esprit et l'âme, par Qosta b. Luqa; édité, étudié et onnoté [sic] par H.Z. Ülken.--3. Aşkın mâhiyeti hakkında risâle, neşreden ve Türkçeye çeviren A. Ateş.
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    The moral world of the Qurʼan.M. A. Draz & Muḥammad ʻAbd Allāh Darāz - 1951 - New York: Distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book analyzes for the first time in English the ethical theory that underpins Qur’anic legislation by providing a classification of specific verses in which Islam’s holy book discusses moral issues. The principal purpose of this book is to demonstrate the ways in which the Qur’an theoretically and practically provides the moral code to which Muslims around the world adhere. The author divides his analysis into a survey of Qur’anic attitudes towards the basic ethical issues of obligation and responsibility, issues (...)
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